Source code for mchartanalyzer.objects.chartcalculations
from .basedata import BaseDataObject
[docs]class ChartCalculations(BaseDataObject):
Encapsulates data extracted from a chord chart.
def __init__(self, databaseRow=None):
self.chartId= 0
self.key = ""
self.keyAnalysisCertainty = ""
self.chordsGeneral = []
self.numChords = 0 # TODO - remove?
self.numSections = 0 # TODO - remove?
# When returning a ChartCalculations object from the database, this can be initialized.
self.chartData = None
if databaseRow: = databaseRow[0]
self.chartId = databaseRow[1]
self.key = databaseRow[2]
self.keyAnalysisCertainty = databaseRow[3]
self.chordsGeneral = self._convertStringToList(databaseRow[4])
self.numChords = databaseRow[5]
self.numSections = databaseRow[6]
self.updateTime = databaseRow[7]
def setChordListFromString(self, chordListStr):
convertedList = self._convertStringToList(chordListStr)
self.chordsGeneral = convertedList
def getChordListString(self):
return self._convertListToString(self.chordsGeneral)
def __str__(self):
stringRep = "ChartCalculations { id=" + str( + ", "
stringRep += "chartId=" + str(self.chartId) + ", "
stringRep += "key=" + self.key + ", "
stringRep += "keyAnalysisCertainty=" + self.keyAnalysisCertainty + ", "
stringRep += "chordsGeneral=[" + self.getChordListString() + "], "
stringRep += "numChords=" + str(self.numChords) + ", "
stringRep += "updateTime=" + self.updateTime + " }"
return stringRep